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Anti-Bullying Tip From School Show Performer The Story Ship - Should kids fight back against hitting while being bullied? Bullying School Assembly Show Performance


Super Me! Anti-bullying School Assembly Performer Talks about Kids Hitting Back
Super Me! Anti-bullying School Assembly Performer Talks about Kids Hitting Back

Should you tell your child to hit back if they are getting physically bullied at school? It's a common question and not so easy to answer. I recommend to tell them not hit back but use the following tips. And here is why, often grownups are not around to see what happened. The kids will most likely blame each other for starting the fight leaving the principal or teacher not knowing who they should discipline.

Block and Walk - Use your forearms to protect yourself from blows. Walk backward away from the bully to get clear while protecting your face and body.

Yell and Tell - Yell for help and tell a grown up immediately after the encounter.

Our instincts tell us to hit back but training our kids to refrain might be a safer bet and save them from school suspensions or expulsions. I would suggest kids and parents have a discussion before a problem occurs, so everyone has a clear course of action.

Book “Super Me!” for your next anti-bullying school assembly. Give your students tools to stopping bullying. Call (912) 663-6320 or email us at The perfect Bullying School Assembly Show Performer.

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