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Bullying Words Are Weapons And Hurt Worse Than Hitting, Cyber-Bullying School Assembly Show Performers The Story Ship Give Suggestions On How To Stop Bullies

Words can be weapons too. Cyber-bullying is more painful because the words and images don't go away. They are available 24 hours a day for EVERYONE to see. Teach your kids about IP#s and how crime is tracked on the internet. Remind them that posts just don't go away if you delete them. A digital trail is left behind and it can be traced back to the creator. You can and will get caught bullying kids!

Most kids are too embarrassed to report cyber-bullying to an adult. But it is crucial to get help as soon as possible. Kids, if you are being bullied online, tell your principal, school police officer, parents and teachers. Get help. Do not let the bullies continue. If you see someone getting bullied online, report the bullies. There are many ways to remain anonymous so other kids don't find out.

Parents, did you know that you can report bullying to your internet provider. They will help shut down the user that is bullying. Call directly your company and ask for help. Don't let the problem fester.

Kids be sure to block the user in social media platforms like Instagram, TicTok, Twitter Facebook etc. Each of these has special webpages that can help anyone being bullied. Here is a link to TikTok's anti-bullying page. This is a practical guide for parents and kids to protect themselves from bullies. I'll be posting here each week guides to help parents, kids and teachers. Let me know if you have any suggestions or links to websites that help.

Book the "Super Me!" Stop Cyber Bullying School Assembly Show will help stop bullies at your school. Call 912-663-6320 to find out more ways to teach your students to Stop Bullying!

Stop Bullying Online With The Story Ship's anti-bullying school assembly show


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